
I am a carpenter and designer, living in a small island community on the largest freshwater lake in the world. I am deeply invested in disrupting the cycle of intergenerational trauma in my own lineage and my communities. I am more interested in the exploration of questions than the proving of answers.

Surprise, Surprise

August 16, 2017
Mile 1691.1 to Ashland (Mile 1715)
Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hike: Day 103

Woke up to start walking at 3:30am, began at 4:20. Napped at 5:30am next to a stream while the sun was rising; slept for 20 minutes, then packed up and kept truckin. Had honey-butter oatmeal for the first time, DELICIOUS. Just added the butter (ghee) for a calorie boost but oh man, ghee adds way more than just calories.

Cake passed us mid-morning with a 2-liter 7UP bottle and said one of his instagram followers brought pizza, ice cream and soda trail magic. We got to a few miles before the road to hitch into Ashland and also got soda trail magic. Warm Shasta root beer. Sooooo warm.

Finished out our 24 miles to the Callahan’s road, got there at 3pm to hitch into town and only had to wait 5 minutes. A Callahan’s employee picked us up, drove as all the way to the food co-op. While I was shoving my bag into the bottom of the cart I looked up to see…SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He stayed an extra day in Ashland to hang out with us, and is sitting on the top bunk of the hostel as I write this. We already did resupply, ate at the Standing Stone solar-powered brewery (with a really fantastic super functional pergolah), and then went to Growler Guys with over 50 taps. Everyone else (Vice, Boathouse, Cake, Beave) stayed away out of town, so we didn’t see them.

Found out the Jefferson road walk is 52 miles (not 63!) and has a restaurant 10 miles in, plus plenty of water according to Daniel Winsor.

Also, Sam. Sam is here. Fuckin’ Sam.

Ashland Resupply and Old Friends

Onto the Oregon Trail