July 30, 2017
Mile 1268.8 to Beldentown
Beldentown to 1290.2 (Lassen Forest)
Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hike: Day 86
Sitting at the Beldentown resort where there is an experimental science/psychedelic festival going on with some very drugged-the-fuck-out clientele. Some guy named Grasshopper said if I stay until the concert starts he’ll give me some mushrooms…FOR FREE! The folks at Belden were on day four of their music festival experience, and it showed.
We had an excruciating road walk to Caribou Crossing on searing hot asphalt. Picked up our package, had a milkshake and salad, and then washed off/showered in the river. Wonderful! So calming! Everything I’ve ever wanted in my entire life!
Now we are at this otherworldly resort having a $3 Sierra Nevada beer (draft!), listening to relatively normal daytime music festival music, looking forward to Burney Mountain Guest Ranch and going home to the trail. Grasshopper did remind me that if I’m in Oregon for the solar eclipse I should make a point to go to Okeechobee National Forest, and added that there will be a party. Nice guy, this Grasshopper.
Also, saw and signed another trail register today. Fun! Left a note for Benny and Chill in hopes that they’ll catch up.
Picked fresh blackberries (wild) from the trail and filled the talent container. They are as big as a quarter and very prickly. Walked and walked and had to go all the way to the first official campsite. Lassen is very rocky even where it’s flat, so there is no good place to put up a tent unless it’s been intentionally cleared. It’s dark, it’s hot, we’re in a forest of burnt-up widow makers, surrounded by too many people, on lumpy ground. Welcome to Lassen.
Quincy fire smoke settled into the valley in the morning.
Beldentown resort on the Middle Fork of the Feather River. Upstream there are ravers in inner tubes, to the left on shore there is the beginning of the music festival’s tent city.