August 22, 2017
Mile 1825 to 1854.3 (near Mt. Thielen)
Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hike: Day 109
Lunch time and we just finished the rim alternate. Couldn’t see a damn thing. Not even the wizard’s island, no, not even the sunrise. It was intensely smoky. We met a couple from Los Angeles who gave us bananas, asked us about a thousand questions, and then gave us half a giant bottle of green juice. They were just looking at us like we were starving dogs, and then asking each other if they had any more food to give us. When they handed us food, they paused as if we were to drink it in front of them. I was happy for the green juice. I did not drink it in front of them.
We haven’t seen anyone we know yet today except Spark and Willy Finish; they shared water and a nip of Fireball while we chatted. The Rim looks like it would be beautiful if you could see it!
The whole rest of the day was flat and flat and flat and flat and smoky. The Thielen area (Mt. Thielen, Thielen Creek) was beautiful and VERY cool looking, though you really couldn’t see much of it because of the smoke. It even blots out the sun. I’d like to come back someday and see it when it’s clear.
We made hot chocolate by the creek, filled up with water, and went a few miles further to find a quiet place to camp. There were a lot of groups of people camping by the creek.
Crater Lake filled with smoke
Wizards island in Crater Lake
Alex getting water from Thielen Creek